Day 159 • Something Beautiful 2022: The Maui Banyan

Something Beautiful is the resurrection of a 2014 initiative to find a visual feast for each day of the year. 

Those who have followed my posts for a few know that spectacular trees make me weak in the knees. A group I follow, posted this stunning photo the other day. The banyan tree in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii is not only an astonishing specimen but has a beautiful tale.

Planted on April 24, 1873 to mark the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Maui’s first American Protestant mission, it was a gift from missionaries in India. Located in Banyan Tree Park, it covers 1.94 acres. The largest tree in the United States.

Only 8 feet when planted, it has grown to approximately 60 feet with 16 major trunks and a canopy that spread over around 0.66 acres. Shooting to the top of my Trees to See Bucket List, the banyan joins the esteemed company of The General Sherman Sequoia and the Angel Oak in South Carolina.

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