Day 145 • Something Beautiful 2022: Ruby peonies

Something Beautiful is the resurrection of a 2014 initiative to find a visual feast for each day of the year.

To go to Door County last week with peony buds showing a teasing glimpse of ruby, well, that was a difficult call. To come home and find them still closed made me smile. This morning they opened and, of course, the skies went black at 1pm, cracked open and poured 15 minutes later and the forecasters threatened hail.

This made me think of my mother. Not the storm, but the perennial problem of the seemingly uncanny coincidence of the annual peony opening with the first great storm of the season. Mom would complain about this every year at peony season along with additional disparaging remarks about the ants that came with open blossoms.

I am happy to report that there was no hail and, through the afternoon, three peonies have opened. All still bouyant and lovely despite the summer storm.

My Door County “gift peony” from friend Terri.
She dropped her petals as mine opened theirs.

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