Day 143 • Something Beautiful 2022: Mayapples

Something Beautiful is the resurrection of a 2014 initiative to find a visual feast for each day of the year.

While in Door County, I visited old friends who live on the wooded shores of Sturgeon Bay. I thought I had large flower gardens until I toured Terri’s. We share a love of heirloom flowers — irises, lilacs, mock orange and peonies. Many of her gardens are under mature tree canopies. I was struck by a magnificent “field” of tall, broad, tatter-leafed plants. She hadn’t planted them and didn’t know what they were. On closer look, I found a lone white flower under the umbrella like leaf. A mayapple! I have a few that a friend gave me several years ago, but these were giant in comparison.

If you haven’t had them in your garden, they are wonderful and entertaining plants. Their leaves look similar to giant begonias. In the early spring they come up and open like umbrellas. And they each have a lovely white blossom that turns into fruit (though I’ve seen varying accounts on whether you can eat it).

Terri gave me a clump to add to my garden and I am excited about having the giant leaves add some beautiful scale to my garden.

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