Study 30: Art Resolutions-Catching the moment

Art Resolutions is a self-imposed initiative to create an art study each day for a year. Welcome to study #30.

You’ll notice a change in the title. Study vs. Day. Following this post, I am one day behind and expect to make it up later today. This is what’s called “artistic license.” And that is where I leave it. When the year is over, I will have 365 studies. How and when they are delivered is of less value than the exercise of doing that number. And–the growth that follows.

That the sun is invigorating, energizing, and empowering is no news. But that it was here this morning is magical. The week has been grey, dismal, snowy, cold and long. I have channeled Louis Zamperini in tough and frustrating moments. “I will not be broken,” is a powerful mantra–even for mundane drudgery of daily tedium. And, so, to see light streaming and warming the contents of my February house this morning is pulls me further from the near future of tax reports, training in mind-numbing government regulations, and even lofty personal goals.

After the structured study of my first pencil drawing, I let myself loose on a gesture study of the living room corner where the light shouted out from a shadowed wall. The sun is too gay to leave its effects to pencil–so let a faintly colored first wash liven the carbon expression. The final study is loose, light and captures the softness of the moment. I will return to continue the exploration of color and carbon–but for now, I am enjoying this study at this stage in this moment.



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